I joined Twin City Underwriters in 2021. After helping my own parents with Medicare decisions, I jumped at an opportunity to learn even more, and
became licensed in MN. I am thrilled to assist Medicare recipients right here in the Twin Cities.
Customer service and advocacy is not new to me, after a 38-year career helping businesses with their marketing and advertising needs. Most recently I worked with organizations from all over the US, some worldwide, in the technology publishing sector. Every day at Twin City Underwriters has been a discovery process, and I am grateful for the 50+ years of experience and collective wisdom available to me and potential clients.
My husband and I grew up in North Dakota but are proud parents of two thoroughly Minnesotan kids! As new grandparents, we are also looking forward to our own “Fun with Medicare” stage, which will certainly include additional travel to Japan, where our son and daughter-in-law reside. During my off time, you’ll find me in Roseville’s McCarron neighborhood, gardening and enjoying the wooded bike trails, planning golf outings, and watersports. I am a member of the Roseville Rotary Club and was a Ramsey County Election Head Judge, serving in many areas of St. Paul and Roseville over the years.